Square Root of Decimals

Concept Explanation

Square Root of Decimals

Step I: Obtain the number in the decimal form .

Step II: Place bar on the integral part as we do in the process of finding the square root of a perfect square of some natural number.

Step III: Make even number of decimal places by affixing a zero on the extreme right of decimal part, if necessary.

Step IV: Place bar on the decimal part on every pair of digits beginning with the first decimal place.

Step V: Start finding the square root by the long division method and put the decimal point in the square root as soon as the integral part is exhausted.

Illustration: Find the square root of 477.4225.

Solution: Here, the number of decimal places is already even.So, we place bars on the integral and decimal parts and proceed as given below:

Hence the square root of 477.4225. is 21.85 .

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